The Miserly knight

(Scenes from Chenstonovoy tragicomedy: The covetous Knight)

scene I
The tower.
Albert and Ivan


In what may become the tournament
I will manifest myself. Show me the helmet, Ivan.

Ivan gives him a helmet.

broken through, spoiled. Impossible
put it on. I need to get a new.
What a blow! damn Count Delorzh!


And you repaid him the order:
As of the stirrups, you kicked him,
He lay dead a day - and it is unlikely


And all did he not loss;
His bib intact Venetian,
A breast own: a penny is not worth it;
Another currently will not buy.
Why not with him I took off the helmet immediately!
And I would remove, when it had not been ashamed
I shall give the Duke. damned Earl!
He'd better have my head shot.
And I need a dress. Last time
All the knights were sitting in the atlas
and velvet; I was alone in the armor
For the ducal table. Otgovorilsya
I am the, that the tournament was accidentally.
And now that I say? About poverty, poverty!
Like us, she humiliates heart!
When his heavy spear Delorzh
He struck me helmet and rode past,
I kicked his head with an open
Emir of my, I rushed like a whirlwind
And he threw Count twenty paces,
How small a page; all the ladies
We got up from their seats, when she Clotilde,
covering his face, involuntarily screamed,
And the glory of my heralds blow, —
Then, no one thought about the reason
And my courage and strength marvelous!
I'm mad for the damaged helmet,
Heroism that was to blame? - stinginess.
Yes! It is not difficult to catch it here
Under the roof of one with my father.
What my poor Emir?


He limps.
You go on it is still impossible.


Well, nothing to do: buy bay.
Inexpensive and asking for it.


inexpensively, but we do not have money.


Well said idler Solomon?


He says, that can no longer be
Lend you money without mortgage.


Institution! and where can I get a mortgage, devil!


I told.


What did he?


Kryahtit to zhmetsya.


Yes, you'd said to him,, that my father
Rich himself, like a Jew, that sooner eh, late eh
entire heritage.


I told.




Zhmetsya to kryahtit.


What a grief!


He wanted to come.


Well, Heavy.
Without compensation, will not let him.

Knock on the door.

Who's there?

Included Jew.


Servant your low.


BUT, friend!
damn Jew, venerable Solomon,
Perhaps over here: so you, I hear,
I do not believe in debt.


Brother, merciful knight,
I swear: glad to be right ... I can not.
Where to take the money? I ruined the whole,
All knights diligently helping.
No one pays. You want to ask,
L can not even pay part of ...


Yes, if I had money,
With you there I became used to tinker? Full,
Do not be upryam, my dear Solomon;
Let chervontsы. Emptying me a hundred,
While you searched.


If only I had a hundred ducats!


Do not you feel ashamed of your friends
Do not bail out?


I swear…


Full, full.
You require a mortgage? what nonsense!
That will give you as a pledge? pigskin?
If only I could lay that, long
It would be sold. Or chivalrous words
You, dog, few?


your word,
As long as you are alive, a lot, means a lot.
All Flemish coffers of the rich
As a talisman it you will unlock.
But if you pass
To me, poor Jew, and yet
die (God forbid), then
In my hands it will be like
Keys to the box thrown into the sea.


Can it be true father I will survive?


who knows? our days are numbered not by us;
Blossomed youth vechor, but now died,
And his four old
Bear hunched shoulders to the grave.
Baron health. God willing - ten years, twenty
And twenty-five and thirty-live it.


You're lying, Hebrew: but after thirty years
I turn fifty, then the money
At that useful to me?


Money? - money
Is always, in every age, we are suitable;
But the young man looking at them nimble servants
And not sparing sends back, here.
The old man sees them as trusted friends
And saves them as the apple of the eye.


ABOUT! my father's servants and friends
They see, a gentleman; and he serves them.
And how is? as an Algerian slave,
As a dog chain. In an unheated kennel
Lives, drinking water, eat dry crusts,
All night not sleeping, all runs so barks.
A gold calmly chests
lies Statement. Shut up! someday
It will serve me, lie forget.


Yes, Baronov at funeral
Shed more money, than tears.
Come on you God probably inherited.




And you can b ...




So, I thought, that means
This is ...


Which means?


So -
I have a friend of the old man,
The Hebrew, druggist poor ...


Same, like you, il pochestnee?


Not, knight, Tobias bargaining is different -
He is right to drop ..., wondrous,
How do they.


And I in them?


In a glass of water to pour three drops will ...,
No taste in them, no color is not noticeable;
A man without colic,
without nausea, dies without pain.


Your old man sells poison.


Yes -
And poison.


Well? borrow money on the spot
You offer me a hundred bottles poison,
According to a glass chervontsu. Is not it, whether?


anything you need me to laugh -
Not; I wanted to ... maybe, I thought you ...,
What to Baron's time to die.


How! poison father! and I dare you son ...
Ivan! keep it. And I dare you!..
Do you znaeshy, jew soul,
Dog, snake! I you now
At the gate poveshu.


To blame!
Sorry: I was joking.


Ivan, rope.


I ... I was joking. I brought you the money.


Von, dog!

Gide leaves.

That's what brings me
Father's native stinginess! Gide I dare
What can I offer! Give me a glass of wine,
I'm trembling all over ... Ivan, Well but the money
I need. Run down of the damned Jew,
Take his gold coins. Yes here
I bring the inkwell. I am a rascal
give a receipt. Yes Do not enter here
Judah that ... Or Not, wait,
His gold coins will smell poison,
As the pieces of silver of his ancestor ...
I asked the wine.


Our wine -
Not a drop is not.


And then, that sent me
As a gift from Spain Remon?


But last night I carried the last bottle
patient smith.


Yes, remember, I know ...
So give me water. accursed habitation!
Not, I decided - I'll go look council
At Duke: let his father make
I keep as a son, not as a mouse,
Born in the underground.

scene II


As a young playboy waiting bye
With some sly sluts
Or a fool, they deceived, so I
All day long minutes waiting, when I will go down
In my secret basement, the faithful chests.
Happy day! I can today
In the sixth chest (in the trunk still incomplete)
Pour a handful of gold accumulated.
Not many, it seems, but gradually
treasures grow. I read somewhere,
That the king once his warriors
He ordered to demolish the ground in a heap on a handful,
And the proud hill rose - and the king
Could a height of fun with rake
And dol, covered with white tents,
And Sea, where ships ran.
So I, bringing a handful poor
Habitual my tribute here to the basement,
I lifted my hill - and its height
I can look at all, I is subject to.
That is not subject to me? like a demon
Henceforth rule the world I;
Only want - to erect palaces;
In my gorgeous gardens
Come running nymphs frolic throng;
And muse tribute to her I will bring,
And I enslave free genius,
And the virtue of work and sleepless
Humbly be glad of my awards.
I svystnu, and to me obediently, shyly
Vpolzet bloody villainy,
And I will lick his hand, and eyes
Watch, they mark my reading will.
I do obediently, I did - nothing;
I am above all desires; I'm calm;
I know my strength: Enough for me
This consciousness ...
(He looks at his gold.)

it seems, not many,
And how many human concerns,
Obmanov, tears, prayers and curses
It heavyweight representative!
There's a doubloon old ... here it is. today
The widow gave it to me, but before
With three children in front of a half-day window
She was on her knees howling.
It was raining, and stopped, and again went,
Hypocrite not to touch; I could
her chase, but something I sear,
That the husband's duty to bring it to me
And he does not want to be in prison tomorrow.
And this one? This brought me Thibault -
Where it was to take him, Lenivci, cork?
Stolen, of course; or, may be,
There, on the road, at night, in a grove of ...
Yes! if all the tears, blood and sweat,
Shed for all, that are stored,
From the earth all were suddenly,
That would flood again - I choked b
In the basement of my faithful. but it's time.
(He wants to unlock the trunk.)

Every time I, when I want a chest
My unlock, hot flashes and awe.
Do not fear (Oh no! whom should I fear?
When me my sword: Gold otvechaet
fair damask), but my heart constricts
For a sense of the unknown ...
We are assured doctors: there are people,
The murder of finding pleasure.
When I key in the lock puts, also
I feel, that feel the need to
They are, plunging a knife into the victim: nice
And scared together.
(Unlocks the trunk.)

Here is my bliss!
(Pour money.)

Go, Ye Lighting prowl,
Serving the passions and human needs.
Usnite here dream of strength and peace,
As the gods of sleep in the deep heavens ...
I want to own today to arrange a feast:
I light a candle before each trunk,
And all of them Unlock, and stand alone
Among them, look at the glittering pile.
(Lights candles and opens the chests one by one.)

Kings!.. What a magical shine!
obedient MHE, my strong state;
In her happiness, it is my honor and glory!
Kings ... but who followed suit me
Take hold on power over her? my heir!
madman, waster young,
Libertines riotous source!
nearly die, he, he! come here
Under these peaceful, silent vaults
With a crowd of flatterers, courtiers greedy.
Stealing the keys from my corpse,
He laughed unlock chests.
And they shall run my treasures
The satin diravye pockets.
He will break the sacred vessels,
He gives to the king's dirty oil -
He hath ... And by what right?
Doth I got it all,
or joking, as a player, which the
Rattles the bones yes pile rakes?
Who knows, How many bitter abstentions,
bridled passion, heavy doom,
daily cares, sleepless nights I
All it cost? Or say the son,
That my heart is overgrown with moss,
I did not know the desires, that I
And conscience never nagged, conscience,
clawed beast, scrapes the heart, conscience,
Uninvited guest, tiresome interlocutor,
Lender rough, this witch,
By way pales the moon and graves
Hesitate and dead expelled?..
Not, suffered first a wealth,
Then we'll see, Will the unfortunate
the waste, that the blood bought.
ABOUT, if I could from the eyes of the unworthy
I hide cellar! about, if from the grave
I could come, watchdog shadow
Sitting on the trunk and on the living
Treasures of my store, like now!..

stage III
In a palace.
Albert, duke


trust, prince, I suffered for a long time
Shame bitter poverty. Had it not been extreme,
You used my complaints are not heard.


I believe, trust: noble knight,
such, how are you, father does not blame
without extremes. Such depraved enough ...
be calm: your father
Usoveschu alone, quietly.
I am waiting for him. Recently we had not met.
He was a friend of my grandfather. I remember,
When I was a child, he
I put on my horse
And covers his heavy helmet,
It's like a bell.
(Looking out the window.)

Who is this?
Not on you?


So, he, prince.


Podolsk same
In the room. I'll click you.

Albert leaves; includes Baron.

I'm glad to see you hale and hearty.


I'm happy, prince, that was able
By order of your come.


then, baron, long ago we parted.
You remember me?


I, prince?
I like you now see. ABOUT, you were
high-spirited child. I'm late Duke
I used to say: Philip (he called me
always Philip), what are you going to say? a?
Twenty years, right, you and me,
We will be in front of this stupid little ...
Here, i.e…


We are now familiar
recommence. You forgot my yard.


old, prince, I now: at court
What should I do? You are young; you any
tournaments, holidays. I them
I do not fit. God will war, so I
Ready, crunch, vzlezt back on the horse;
Another force would get old sword
For you to bare hand shaking.


baron, we know your zeal;
You were a friend of his grandfather; my father
you respect. And I always thought
you true, brave knight - but sit.
you, baron, have kids?


son of one.


Why did it myself when I do not see?
You bored yard, but he well
In his years and the title be when we.


My son does not like noisy, secular life;
He is wild and gloomy disposition -
Around the castle forest he was always wandering,
As a young deer.


Not good
him to be shy. We immediately accustom
Its the fun, to Bale and tournaments.
Send it to me; assign son
Decent for the title of content ...
you frown, Are you tired of the way,
May be?


Sovereign, I am not tired;
But you have me confused. before you
I would not want to confess, but me
You force to speak about his son
Then, that he would like to hide from you.
is he, prince, Unfortunately, unworthy
neither favors, nor your attention.
He spends his youth in a riot,
The evils of the low ...


This is because,
baron, that he alone. solitude
And idleness destroying young people.
Send it to us: he forgets
habits, beginnings in the wilderness.


forgive me, but, right, prince,
I can not agree to this ...


But why w?


Thank you old man ...


I demand: Open to me the reason
your failure.


Son I


For what?


For evil crime.


And what is it, tell, composed?


humidif, Duke ...


It is very strange,
Or you ashamed of him?


Yes ... a shame ...


But what did he?


He ... he gave me
I wanted to kill.


kill! so I trial
ego deliver, as a black villain.


I'm not going to prove, even I know,
What exactly is the death he craves my,
Though I know it, that he attempted





Albert rushes into the room.


baron, You're lying.


How dare you?..


Are you here! you, I dare you!..
You could say a word his father is!..
I lie! and before our sovereign!..
To me, me ... or I'm not a knight?


you're a liar.


And the thunder had not yet struck, good god!
So podymi Well, and the sword will judge us!

(He throws down the gauntlet, her son hastily raises.)


Thank you. Here is the first gift of the Father.


What I saw? that was before me?
Son took his father's old challenge!
What days I put on myself
chain Dukes! shut up: you, madman,
And you, tigrenok! full.

Give it up;
Give me the glove.
(otymaet it)




And he glared at her claws! - monster!
Podite: my eyes do not dare
Be until the, until I
Not call you.
(Albert goes.)

You, old man unhappy,
Do not be ashamed eh you ...


Sorry, Sovereign ...
I stand, I can not ... my knees
Weakening ... stuffy!.. stuffy!.. Where are the keys?
the keys, my keys!…


He died. God!
terrible century, terrible heart!

1830 r.

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