The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish

He lived an old man with his old woman
In the blue sea;
They lived in a ramshackle hut
Exactly thirty years and three years.
The old man caught a fish seine,
The old woman was spinning his yarn.
Once he threw the net in the sea, —
Pryshёl Nevod with one tynoy.
He threw another time seine, —
I came to the net with sea grass.
The third time he threw the net, —
I came to the net with the sole fish.
With difficult rыbkoy, - gold.
As pleaded goldfish!
A human voice rumor:
"Let go of you, Elder, me into the sea,
Dear ladies for himself mercy:
I bought off than just a wish ".
The old man was surprised, frightened:
He has been fishing for thirty years and three years
And not heard, I spoke to the fish.
He sent a gold fish
And he said a kind word:
"God be with you, gold fish!
Your payoff is not necessary to me;
Go yourself in the blue sea,
Walk there myself in the open ".
The old man went back to the old woman,
He told her a great miracle.
"Today I had caught fish,
goldfish, not easy;
In our talking fish
Home to a sea of ​​blue begged,
Road tsenoyu otkupalas:
Bribes than just a wish.
I did not dare to take off her ransom;
So let her into the blue sea ".
The old man old woman auction:
"Fool you, simp!
Could not you take a buyout with fish!
If I could take you with her trough,
Our something completely split ".
Here he went to the blue sea;
He sees sea - slightly erupted.
He began to click a gold fish,
He sailed to his fish and asked:
"What do you want, Elder?»
She bowed old man answers:
"Have mercy, Empress fish,
Scolding me, my old lady.
The old man does not give me peace:
It must be her new trough;
Our something completely split ".
Meets the goldfish:
"Do not worry, means go with god,
You will be a new trough ".
The old man went back to the old woman,
The old woman a new trough.
Even louder old woman scolds:
"Fool you, simp!
elicited, fool, trough!
In the trough there are many self-interest?
gate, fool, you to fish;
bow to her, has elicited much hut ".
Here he went to the blue sea,
(Clouded blue sea.)
He began to click a gold fish,
Sailed to his fish, I asked:
"What do you want, Elder?»
She meets an old man with a bow:
"Have mercy, Empress fish!
Even louder old woman scolds,
The old man does not give me peace:
Hut asks shrewish woman ".
Meets the goldfish:
"Do not worry, means go with god,
So be it: hut you will too ".
He went to their dugout,
A dugout is not much trace;
Before him chalet svetolkoy,
With brick, belёnoyu pipe,
With oak, plank collars.
Old woman sitting at the window,
On what was worth scolds her husband:
"Fool you, direct simp!
elicited, simp, hut!
gate, bowed fish:
I do not want to be black peasant,
I want to be pole-mounted noblewoman ".
The old man went to the blue sea;
(Not calm blue sea.)
He began to click a gold fish.
Sailed to his fish, I asked:
"What do you want, Elder?»
She meets an old man with a bow:
"Have mercy; Empress fish!
More than ever the old woman vzdurilas;
The old man does not give me peace:
I do not want it to be a peasant,
He wants to be a pole-mounted noblewoman ".
Meets the goldfish:
"Do not worry, means go with God ".
The old man went back to the old woman.
What did he see? high tower.
Standing on the porch of his old
The expensive sable dushegreyke,
Parchovaya of makovke Kichka,
Jewelers ogruzili neck,
In the hands of gold rings,
On legs red boots.
In front of her zealous servant;
She beats them, Chuprun for taskaet.
The old man says his old woman:
"Hello, lady-madam noblewoman.
Tea; now it's your darling happy ".
The old woman shouted at him,
The stables serve it sent.
Here week, the other passes,
More forest old vzdurilas:
Again sends to the old fish.
"gates, bowed fish:
I do not want to be pole-mounted noblewoman,
And I want to be free queen ".
frightened old man, pleaded:
"What are you, grandmother, henbane overeat?
neither step, or are not able to utter,
You laugh the whole kingdom ".
I was angry old forest,
I hit her husband on the cheek.
"How dare you, muzhik, to argue with me,
With me, noblewoman Stolbovaya? —
Go to the sea, say you honor,
Dont go, lead inevitably ".
The old man went to the sea,
(Blackened blue sea.)
He began to click a gold fish.
Sailed to his fish, I asked:
"What do you want; Elder?»
She bowed old man answers:
"Have mercy, Empress fish!
Again my old rebels:
I do not want it to be a noblewoman,
He wants to be free queen ".
Meets the goldfish:
"Do not worry, means go with god!
good! old queen will!»
The old man went back to the old woman.
Well! before him, the king's chamber,
The Chambers sees his old woman,
At the table she sits caricej,
Serve her nobles so the nobles,
Overseas poured her guilt;
It seizes the stick printed;
Around the menacing guards its worth,
On the shoulders of puffins keep.
I saw an old man, - scared!
The old woman bowed legs he,
Quoth: "Hello, groznaya queen
Well, now it's your darling happy ".
It did not look old,
Only with his eyes, told me to get rid of.
They ran the boyars and nobles,
The old man pushed vzashey.
And in the doorway of a guard ran,
Axes almost chop.
And the people something they had mocked him:
"By dividing you, old boor!
Henceforth, you ignorant, science:
Do not sit not in his sleigh!»
Here week, the other passes,
More forest old vzdurilas:
Courtiers for her husband sends,
We found the old man, led to it.
Says the old man old woman:
"gates, bowed fish.
I do not want to be free queen,
I want to be the mistress of morskoju,
To live my Okiyane-Sea,
Chtov served me goldfish
And there would have me on errands ".
The old man did not dare to contradict,
I do not dare say a word across.
Here he goes to the blue sea,
sees, black sea storm:
And swollen angry waves,
And go, so howl and howl.
He began to click a gold fish.
Sailed to his fish, I asked:
"What do you want, Elder?»
She meets an old man with a bow:
"Have mercy, Empress fish!
What do I do with a curse Baba?
I do not want to be she queen,
He wants to be the mistress of morskoju;
To live her Okiyane-Sea,
To you yourself she served
And would it have on the premises ".
Nothing is said fish,
Only the tail on the water splashed
And she went into the deep sea.
Long awaited by the sea, he answers
Not wait, I returned to the old woman -
Lo and behold: again in front of him dugout;
On the threshold of his old woman sitting;
And in front of her broken trough.

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Alexander Pushkin
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  1. Anonymous

    What a terrible thing. What is the translation?

  2. Please write without mistakes???‍♀️

    Please write correctly???‍♀️

  3. Domovych

    Well norms.

  4. name

    an error was made in the English version of rыbkoy
