Roman at the Caucasian Waters

In one of the first days of April 181 ... at the home of Catherine Petrovna Tomsk there is a big commotion. All the doors were open to overtake; the hall and the front cluttered with trunks and suitcases; boxes of drawers pushed; servants constantly ran up the stairs, maids fussed and argued; the mistress, lady 45 years old, I am sitting in the bedroom, reviewing account books, she brought a thick ruler, who was standing in front of her with his hands behind his back and pulling the right foot forward. Katerina Petrovna shows a, if economic secrets were familiar to her briefly, but her questions and comments showed her master's ignorance and occasionally aroused faint smile on his face majestic ruler, Well but that with great condescension detail is included in all the required explanations. At this time the servant reported, that Paraskovja Ivanovna came Povodova. Katerina Petrovna rejoiced the occasion to interrupt their meeting, I told to ask for the manager and let.
- have mercy, my mother, - said the old lady who entered, - yes you are going on the road! where you shall be a god?
- To the Caucasus, cute Paraskovja I..
- To the Caucasus! that is, Moscow First-old told the truth, I could not believe. the Caucasus! but this is how far Shocking. Hunting you trudge God knows where, God knows why.
- How to be? Doctors announced, that my Masha needed iron water, and for my health hot tubs needed. For the past year and a half, I still suffer, maybe the Caucasus will help.
- God grant. Do you go soon?
- Four days later, a lot, many promeshkayu week; all too ready. Yesterday brought me a new road carriage; what a coach! a toy, feast for the eyes - all in boxes, and that there is no: bedding, restroom, Pogrebok, medicine chest, kitchen, service; Do you want to see?
- Very well, my mother.
And both ladies went out on the porch. Kucera pushed out of the barn the road carriage. Katerina Petrovna told me to open the door, voshla a coach, I rummaged in it all the pillows, He pushed all the boxes, revealed all its secrets, all comfort, I lifted all the shutters, all mirrors, eversion all bags, in short, for the sick woman was very active and agile. After admiring crew, the two ladies went back to the living room, where we are talking again about the road ahead, about returning, about plans for next winter:
- In the month of October, - said Katerina Petrovna, - I hope to come back by all means. I will pm, two times a week, and hope, Darling, you me perenesesh your boston.
At this moment, a girl of about 18, shapely, high, with a pale face and beautiful black fiery eyes, quietly entered the room, He came to hand and Katerina Petrovna sat Povodovoy.
- Did you sleep well, Masha? - asked Katerina Petrovna.
- Good, mamenka, only now I got. You wonder my laziness, Paraskovja I.? What to do - the patient is forgivable.
- Sleep, my mother, Sleep on your health, - answered Povodova, - yes look: I turn again to the Caucasus rosy, healthy, and God willing, and - married.
- As married? - objected Katerina Petrovna laughing, - but who should she marry in the Caucasus? except for the Circassian prince?..
- For the Circassian! God save her! Why they let the Turks Bukhara - heathen. They'll lock her zabreyut yes.
- God only send us health, - said Katerina Petrovna with a sigh., - and the suitors will not leave. God bless,
Masha is still young, dowry has. A good man will love, and without a dowry will.
- And with a dowry it's still better, my mother, - said Paraskovya Ivanovna getting up. - Well, just there, Katerina Petrovna, so I will not see until September; I dragged away before you, with Basman on Arbat - and you do not ask, know, Now that you once; goodbye and you, beauty, do not forget to also take my advice.
Ladies say goodbye, and Paraskovja Ivanovna left.

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