
bank of the Dnieper. MILL

Miller , his daughter.

M e n s and n

Oh, That's all you, young girls,
All of you are stupid. If we are turned up
To you people enviable, not easy,
So you should strengthen its Statement.
With what? reasonable, honest behavior;
To lure the rigor, the kindness;
Sometimes subtly circumlocutions
The wedding zagovarivatʹ, - a forest
Keep your maiden honor -
priceless treasure; she is -
The word - just miss, not be undone.
And if there is a wedding really hope,
All the same, at least you can
Any profit themselves - il favor
Native to gain; think should be:
"Do not ever f will he love me
And pamper me ". - Well no! where
You think of doing good! incidentally eh?
You immediately odureete; you are happy
To fulfill the whims of his gift;
Ready all day to hang around the neck
In a cute boyfriend, - a dear friend
You look and disappeared, and trace; and you
Left with nothing. Oh, all of you are stupid!
I told you a hundred times:
Hey, A d h s, look; do not be such a fool,
You will not miss his happiness,
Do not miss you prince, da casual
Do not destroy itself. - Well came?..
Now let sit cry forever about,
What could not be undone.

A d h s

Why then
You think, that he said to me,?

M e n s and n

How why? but how many times, happened,
In a week, he the mill Drive?
BUT? every single day, and sometimes
And twice a day - and there is less and less, rarely
I began to come - and this is the ninth day,
As we did not see it. What do you say?

A d h s

He is busy; l little he cares?
He did not Melnik - for it will not be
water work. He often repeats,
That all the labors of his works are heavier.

M e n s and n

Yes, believe him. When working Princes,
And their labor? poison foxes and hares,
to pirovatь, Yes offend neighbors,
Yes incite you, poor fools.
He works, where as it is a pity!
And for me the water!.. and I rest
neither day, no night there, Then we'll see:
here, there is still need repair,
where rot, where the flow. Now, if you're the prince
I was able to elicit the restructuring
Although some some money, It would be better.

A d h s


M e n s and n


A d h s

Chu! I hear the tramp
His horse ... He, he!

M e n s and n

see also, Daughter,
Do not forget my advice, remember ...

A d h s

Here it is, Heavy!

(The entrance to the n i s h. Groom leads his horse.)

K n I b

awesome, Dear friend.
awesome, Miller.

M e n s and n

gracious Prince,
welcome. then, long
Your eyes, we have not seen the light.
I go for you to prepare refreshments.


A d h s

Brother, Finally you remember me!
Do not you feel ashamed as long torment
I empty cruel with expectation?
What I had not occurred?
How do myself, I fear not scared?
That thought, that the horse has brought you
The swamp or abyss, the bear
You in the forest primeval beat,
What are you sick, that no longer loves me -
But thank God! you alive, unscathed
And like everything is still me;
Isn't it fair??

K n I b

Still, my angel,
Not, more than ever.

L w W o in n TABLE

However, you
Sad; that is with thee?

K n I b

January sad?
You seemed so. - No, I had fun
Is always, when you only see.


When you are hilarious, from afar to me
Hurry and klichesh: where is my darling,
What does it? and then kiss
and asked counsel: Council eh I love you
And do you expect so early.
And now: listen to me, you silence,
Do not hug, do not kiss in the eyes,
You something alarmed, right. With what?
Already at me if you are not angry?

K n I b

I do not want to needlessly pritvorstvovat.
With what: in the heart I bear sad
Hard - and you it can not
Neither caresses love to dispel,
nor facilitate, or even split.


But it hurt me not to be sad with you
With one sad - a mystery to me narrate.
Let - I'll cry; will not allow -
No tears, I do not dosazhu.

K n I b

Why do I procrastinate? the sooner, all the better.
My dear friend, With what, there is no light
lasting bliss: nor know the kind of,
our beauty, our strength, our wealth,
Nothing troubles can not be avoided.
And we, - Isn't that right, my darling?
We were happy; at least
I was happy you, your love.
And what is ahead of me no matter what happens,
Where b nor was I, always I will remember
You, my friend; Togo, I'm losing,
Nothing in the world I will not replace.


I'm your words still do not understand,
But really I'm scared. We were threatened with the fate of,
It prepares us to the unknown mountain,
separation, may be.

K n I b

You guessed.
Separation our fate destined.


Who will separate us? except for thee
Vosled go everywhere I have no power?
I get dressed boy. right will
you serve, way, in the field
I'm not afraid of war - a war on the Ile -
Only seen b you. Not, not, I do not believe.
Or find out my thoughts you want,
Or with an empty joke kidding me.

K n I b
Not, jokes on my mind today neydut,
Pry you do not need me,
I do not fit in any further way,
Neither the war - I'm staying at home,
But I must say good-bye to you forever.


Wait, Now I understand all the ...
you marry.

(K n i s h is silent.)

you marry!..

K n I b

What to do?
You judge for itself. By mp n I is not free,
As the girls - they are not the heart
Take a girlfriend, and estimated
other people, for the benefit of someone else's.
God will comfort your grief and time.
Do not forget me; Take memory
Bandage - let, I give you nadenu.
Ever since I brought a necklace -
Take him. Why, even: father
I promised the. Give him.

(It gives her hands a bag of gold.)



Wait; I must tell you
I do not remember that.

K n I b



For you
I'm all ready ... there is not that ... Wait a minute -
It is forbidden, to ever really
I could you leave ... It's not the ...
Yes!.. He recalled: today I
your child under my heart moved.

K n I b
unhappy! how to be? though for him
care of yourself; I will not leave
Neither your child, neither you.
With time, may be, he will come
you visit. Console yourself, not Krush.
Give me hold you for the last time.


ooh! over - the soul as if it is easier.
I waited for the storm, but it cost
pretty quiet.

(She remained motionless.)

M e n s and n


L do not want to be
Welcome to the mill ... but where is he?
Tell, where K n i s s our? and, and, and! what
Bandage! all in stone roads!
And burns! and beads!.. Well, I will say:
royal gift. Ah, he benefactor!
And what's that? scrotum! certainly not the money eh?
What are you standing, You are not answering,
Do not utter a word? Ali you
Unexpected joy gone crazy,
Ile tetanus found on you?

A d h s

I do not believe,
Can not be. I loved him so much.
Or is he a beast? Or his heart

M e n s and n

Who are you speaking about?

A d h s

Tell, dear, how could it
I enraging? in one week unless
My beauty was gone? il it
poison drugged?

M e n s and n

What ails you?

A d h s

dear, he left. There he jumps! —
And I, madwoman, it empty,
I floors for it not clung,
I'm not hung on the rein a horse!
Let them also used it to cut off anger
My hands up to the elbow, let it be immediately
He crushed me with his horse!

M e n s and n

You're delusional!

A d h s

You see, By mp n I is not free,
As girls, they are not the heart
Take yourself a wife ... and they willingly,
Probably, beckon, swear, cry
And talk: I'll take you
In my light tower, the secret Svetlitsa
And dressed in brocade and velvet scarlet.
They willingly teach poor girls
From midnight to whistle their climb
And before dawn to sit for the mill.
They are a pleasure to entertain the prince's heart
our troubles, and then goodbye,
Go, darling, wherever you want,
Love, who conspired to.

M e n s and n

That's the problem.

A d h s

But who is his bride? whom
He traded me? so I know,
I'll get. I will tell her, villain:
Get away from the prince, - see, dve volcixi
Are not found in a ravine.

M e n s and n

Well, if K n i s h takes a bride,
Who can stop him? That's just.
Did I not tell you ...

A d h s

And he could,
As a good person, to me to say goodbye,
And I give gifts - what! —
And money! to redeem himself, he thought,
He wanted me silvered tongue,
That did not pass it on bad reputation
And he did not reach the young wife.
Yes, I mean, I forgot - you give
He ordered the silver, for it,
What I was X on Rosh you to him, that her daughter
I blew him to hang, what her
Not strictly kept in store ... you go
my death.

(Give him the bag.)


(in tears)

Before that I lived!
That God gave to hear! sin you
So bitterly reproach a father.
One child you have me in the world,
One consolation of my old age.
As I'm not spoiling?
God has punished me for, that weak
I have fulfilled my father's debt.

A d h s

Oh, stuffy!
Cold serpent my neck presses ...
snake, snake snared he me,
or pearls.

(Tearing off her pearls.)

M e n s and n

Come to your senses.

A d h s

So I
It tears you, snake villain,
Damn my razluchnitsa!

M e n s and n

You're delusional, right, delirious.

A d h s

(Sima off the bandage)

Here are my crown,
shameful crown! this is what we have crowned
crafty enemy, when I renounced
from all, The more expensive first.
we debunked. - Sgin you, my crown!

(Throws a bandage to the Dnieper.)

Now it's over.

(Cast into the river.)

Old man


Oh, above, above!

(Wedding. Young couple sitting at a table. guests. X girls on p.)

C and t

We played a fun Noces.
Well, Hello, K n i s s a young princess.
May God grant you to live in love and concord,
And we have often feast.
Well, red girl, you fell silent?
Well, white swan, were silenced?
Ali all songs you have sung?
Al necks of singing dried?

X of p

Svatushka, Svatushka,
clueless Svatushka!
According to the bride drove,
In the garden we stopped,
Bock beer spilled,
All cabbage watered,
customer poklonïlïsya,
Vereya prayed:
Vereya eh, vereyushka,
Point Dorozhen'ka
According bride ehati.
Svatushka, guess,
For moshonochku Accepted,
The purse money moves,
By the red girls strive.

C and t

scoffer, so you chose a song!
With what, on, take, do not peel Swat.

(Gives girls.)

O d i n o l o g s

By pebbles on the yellow sand
I ran fast river,
The rapid river walk two fish,
two fish, two small plotitsy.
And you heard Mademoiselle, Fish-sister,
About conduct some of our, about river?
As vechor have been heated fair maiden,
drowning, dear another cursed.

C and t

beauties! yes it's what the song?
She is, seem, no wedding; not.
Who chose that song? a?

D e in Sushko and

Not me -
I do not - we do not ...

C and t

Well, who sang her?

(Whispers and confusion between the girls.)

K n I b

I know who.
(He gets up from the table and said quietly stables.)

She crept here.
Rather Bring it. to reduce,
Who dared to let her.

(Groom comes to girls.)

K n I b
(sits down, About myself)

She is, perhaps,
Here is ready to make some fuss,
That of shame will not know, where
And hide.

C o n w w and h

I did not find it.

K n I b
Seek. She is, I know, here. She is
I sang this song.

A guest

Ai to copper!
And in the head and legs and beats -
Pity, Gorek: sweeten it were not for bad.

(young kissing. I heard a faint cry.)

K n I b

She is! Now scream her jealous.


C o n w w and h

I have not found it anywhere.

K n I b

D r and k.

Dr y and to a

(getting up)

No time eh we give Princess husband
So young at the door showered hops?

(All rise.)

C and X and

Vesta, time. Give Well cock.

(Young fed roasted rooster, then showered hops - and lead to the bedroom.)

C and X and

Princess darling, do not Cry, Do not be afraid,
obey any.

(Young leave the bedroom, guests all odds, except matchmaker and friend.)

Dr y and to a

where goblet? All night long
Under the windows I will drive,
So strengthen me wine is not bad.

C and X and

(pours a glass of it)

With what, Eat on health.

Dr y and to a

ooh! thank.
All is well, Is it not true, there were?
And even where the wedding.

C and X and

Yes, Heavy,
All is well, - one is not good.

Dr y and to a

And what?

C and X and

Yes, not for good song sung
not wedding, and God knows what.

Dr y and to a
Oh, these girls - they can not be
not poprokazit. Whether it is sufficient to
Deliberately muddy the princely wedding.
Go-ka me to sit on a horse.
goodbye, godmother.


C and X and

Oh, heart is not in place!
Not at the time of the wedding, we cope.


(Princess and shit.)

K n I i and n i

Chu - seems, trub; not, he does not go.
Brother, Mamuska, he was the groom,
He is from me a step not out,
With my eyes, happened, I did not take.
he married, and it all went wrong.
Now I wake raneshenko
And it tells itself saddled horse;
Yes to God knows where the night goes;
gate, just a kind word
Saying I, almost gentle hand
The white face pat me.

M and m and to

Knyahynyushka, man that cock:
Kiri hook! max-max wing and away.
A woman, that poor hen:
Sit yourself so hatching.
While the bride - so he does not nasiditsya;
nor drinking, neither eating, It looks not lucid.
He married - and care has come.
Then must visit neighbors,
Then go hunting with falcons,
That is not an easy war on bears,
There, here - and not sit at home.

K n I i and n i

What do you think? so if he had
Sweethearts secret?

M and m and to

Full, does not sin:
Yes whom you will exchange it?
You all took: beauty nenahlyadnoy,
Custom and mind. Think:
Well, in whom he found, not in your,
such treasures?

K n I i and n i

If only God had heard my prayers
And I sent the children! By myself then b
I was able to re-tie her husband ...
A! courtyard is full of hunters. Husband
I came home. Well it is not visible?

(Included Ao in hours and minutes.)

That K n i s h, where is he?

AQ in hours and minutes

Prince ordered home
we drive off.

K n I i and n i

And where he?

AQ in hours and minutes

Alone in the woods on the banks of the Dnieper.

K n I i and n i

And you dare to leave Prince
there is one; zealous servants you!
Now back, Now to him Gallop!
Tell him, I sent you.

(AQ in hours and minutes away.)

Oh my god! in the woods the night sometimes
And the wild beast, and bitter people,
And the devil is haunting - a long time eh into trouble.
Rather light a candle before an icon.

M and m and to

Begu, my light, I run ...


R u s a l k and

cheerful crowd
With deep bottom
We ascend at night,
We warm the moon.
Ljubo we sometimes NIGHT
The bottom of the river to leave,
Ljubo freestyle head
River heights cut,
Serve at each other's voice,
Air voiced irritate,
And green, wet hair
It dried and otryahat.

D and n O

hush, quieter! under bushes
Something hidden in the mist.

Dr Mr I

Between the month and we
Someone walking on the earth.


K n I b

Acquaintances, sad place!
I recognize the surrounding objects -
Here mill! She too has collapsed;
Cheerful noise of its wheels umolknul;
He became a millstone - seen, and the old man died.
The daughter of a poor long he mourned.
The path then wound - it stalled,
Long ago, nobody goes here;
There was a garden fence, I will say
He grew curly This grove?
Brother, that's cherished oak, here it is,
hugged me, began and umolkla ...
Is it possible to?..

(It comes to trees, strewed leaves.)

What does it mean? leaves,
Pobleknuv, suddenly turned and noise
Poured ashes on me.
In front of me he stands naked and cheren,
As the tree cursed.

(It includes old, in rags and half-naked.)

C m and p and

awesome, son in law.

K n I b

I will say?

C m and p and

I'm the local crows.

K n I b

perhaps l? This Miller.

C m and p and

What kind of Melnik!
I sold the mill demons zapechnym,
And the money given to the preservation of
Mermaid, things my daughter.
They are sand-buried river Dnieper,
Their fish-One-eye guards.

K n I b

Unhappy, he mixed. I thought it
scattered, as the clouds after a storm.

C m and p and

Why do not you vechor came to us?
We had a feast, you, we've been waiting for.

K n I b
Who was waiting for me?

C m and p and

who waited? Vesta, Daughter.
You know, All I look through my fingers
And will you give: sit it
With you all night, till all hours,
None will not say the words I.

K n I b

poor Miller!

C m and p and

What I Miller, tell you,
I crows, not Melnik. wonderful case:
When (Do you remember?) I threw it
The river, I ran after her
And from that cliff jump like, yes all of a sudden
felt, Two strong wing
I rose suddenly out of the mice
And in the air kept. Since then,
here, there fly, the peck
dead cow, on the grave
Shizuo to Karkala.

K n I b

What a pity!
Who looks after you?

C m and p and

Yes, follow me
Look not bad. I became a Star
And shalovliv. Follow me, thank, looks
The Little Mermaid.

K n I b


C m and p and

With what.

K n I b

understand it. Old man, you are here in the woods
Or die of hunger, il you beast
Zaest. Would you like to go to my tower
Live with me?

C m and p and

In your Terem? not! thank!
Zamani, and then I, perhaps,
boa necklace. Here I'm alive,
And hungry, and gusty. I do not want in your tower.


K n I b

And I blame this All! Fearfully
mind losing. It is easier to die.
The dead man we gaze respectfully,
We create prayers for him. death equates
With him each. but the man, free
Uma, He becomes a man.
Vain speech given to him, does not rule
words he, him his brother
beast learns, he people in derision,
Above him just Wohlen, God does not judge.
miserable old man! His appearance in me
All the torments of remorse rastravil!

AQ in hours and minutes

Here it is. With difficulty some find it!

K n I b

Why are you here?

AQ in hours and minutes

Princess sent us.
She was afraid for you.

K n I b

her diligence! il ya baby,
What step I can not step without nanny?


(E n and k and l are shown above the water).

R u s a l k and

What, sisters? in the pure
Do not catch up with them soon?
Plesk, laugh and whistle
Do not scare them horses?
Late. grove darkened,
depth grows cold,
Cocks in the village sang,
sunset moon.

D and n O

Weather more, sister.

Dr hectares of I

Not, it's time, it's time, it's time.
Awaits us queen,
Our strict sister.



The Mermaid.

(E n a l k and spin around their queen.)

With t and p m and I p y with a l to a

leave yarn, sisters. The sun is down.
The moon is shining above us. Full,
Swim up under air play,
Yes, nobody touched today,
No pedestrian tickle do not dare,
Neither their seine fishermen aggravate
Grass and mud, no child in water
Enticing stories about fishes.

(Included mermaid)

Where have you been?

A d h s

On the ground left
I'm a grandfather. All he asks me
From the bottom of the river to collect him the money,
That once in the water to us
he threw. I've been searching for them;
And what money, I do not know.
However, I issued him
A handful of shells of semiprecious.
He was very glad they.

E n a l a to

mad miser!
Listen, daughter. Now on you
I hope. On our coast today
a man come. kept it
Go out and meet him. He is close to us,
He is your father.

A d h s

the same, that you
He left, and a woman married?

E n a l a to

I will say; to him more gently caress
And tell All the, what from me
You know about their birth; also
And about me. And if he asks,
Eh I forgot it Or Not, tell,
With all of his I remember and love
And I wait to itself. You understood me?

A d h s

ABOUT, I understood.

E n a l a to

Go well.


Since then,,
How to quit without memory I water
Desperate and despicable girl
And in the depths of the Dnieper River woke up
Mermaid cold and powerful,
It has been seven years - every day I
About mschene devise ...
And now, it seems, my time has come.


K n I b

Unwillingly to these sad shores
Attracts me unknown force.
All here it reminds me of the former
And freestyle red of my youth
favorite, though woeful tale.
Here, once I met the love,
free, boiling love;
I was happy, madman!.. and I could
So windy happiness refuse.
Sad, sad dreams
Yesterday's meeting revived me.
father unhappy! how terrible it!
Perhaps it again meeting today,
And he agreed to leave the forest
And we move ...

(Little Mermaid goes to the beach.)

What I see!
where are you from, beautiful child?


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