liberty. O yes

run, hidden from the eyes,
Citer weak queen!
Where are you, where are you, thunderstorm kings.
Liberty proud singer? —
come, Grab me a wreath,
Break the delicate woman lyre ...
I want to sing the world Freedom,
On thrones hit defect.

Open to me the noble trail
Togo exalted Gaul,
Who herself amid glorious troubles
You hymns inspired bold.
Pets windy Destiny,
the tyrants of the world! thrill!
And you, take heart and heed,
Arise, fallen slaves!

Alas! no matter where you throw the eye -
Vezde bull, everywhere gland,
Laws disastrous shame,
Bondage feeble tears:
Everywhere unrighteous Power
The condensed mist predrassuzhdeny
Sat down - Slavery formidable genius
And Glory fatal passion.

Only there on the king's head
Peoples are not laid down suffering,
Where hard with the liberty of the Holy
Laws a powerful combination;
Where are all stretched out their solid shield,
Where compressed faithful hands
Citizens equal over the heads
The sword without selecting slides

And crime is high
Slay the righteous scope;
Where there is no corruption of their hand
Nor the greedy avarice, no fear.
Lords! you the crown and throne
The law gives - not nature;
You stand above the people,
But the eternal law above you.

Worse, the mountain tribes,
Where he inadvertently napping,
Where people il il kings
Law rule may!
You to call witnesses,
About error glorious martyr,
For ancestors in the noise of the storms recently
Fold the royal chapter.

It goes back to the death of Louis
Since the silent offspring,
The head pressed to debunk
By the bloody scaffold treachery.
The law is silent - people are silent,
Criminal ax will fall ...
And - zlodeyskaya purple
Galle is chained.

Samovlastytelnыy thief!
You, your throne I hate,
your death, death of children
With cruel joy I see.
Read up on your forehead
Print curse nations,
You fear the world, the nature of shame;
Reproach you God on earth.

When the grim Neva
midnight star shines,
And carefree chapter
Restful sleep aggravates,
Looks pensive singer
Grozny sleep amid the fog
Desert monument tyrant,
Oblivion abandoned palace -

He heard a terrible voice Klii
For by these terrible walls,
Kaligully last hour
He sees the vivid sight,
He sees - in ribbons and stars,
Wine and anger Intoxicated
Go undercover killer,
On the faces of audacity, in the heart of fear.

Silent hour incorrect,
Bridge dropped silently lifting,
The gates are open in the darkness of night
Hired hand of treachery ...
About shame! horrors of our day!
like animals, Janissaries invaded!..
Fall inglorious blows ...
Died crowned villain.

And this day learn, of kings:
nor punishment, no reward,
No blood dungeons, not altar
Not right for you fence.
Vail the first chapter
Under the shadow of the Law reliable,
And become eternal throne custody
Peoples liberty and peace.

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Alexander Pushkin
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