The sun walked across the sky
And ran behind the cloud.
I glanced at the hitch in the window,
It became dark for the hitchhiker.
And magpies-
Rode through the fields,
They shouted at the cranes:
“Upstairs! above! Crocodile
The sun in the sky swallowed!»
Darkness fell.
Don't go for the gate:
Who got on the street -
Lost and lost.
The gray sparrow is crying:
"Come out, Sun, probably!
It's a shame for us without the sun -
There is no grain in the field!»
Bunnies cry
On the lawn:
Lost, poor, out of the way,
They can't get home.
Only goggle-eyed crayfish
They climb on the ground in the darkness,
Yes, in the ravine behind the mountain
Mad wolves howl.
Sooner or later
Two rams
Knocked at the gate:
Tra-ta-ta and tra-ta-ta!
"Hey you, beasts, come out,
Crocodile wins,
To greedy Crocodile
The sun turned to the sky!»
But the shaggy ones are afraid:
“Where can we fight with such!
He is both formidable and toothy,
He won't give us the sun!»
And they run to the Bear in the den:
"Come out, you, Bear, to the aid.
Full paw for you, idler, suck.
We must go to the sun to help out!»
But the Bear is reluctant to fight:
He walks-walks, Bear, swamp circle,
He cries, Bear, and roars,
He calls cubs from the swamp:
"Oh, where are you going, fatty, perished?
Who are you to me, old, threw?»
And in the swamp, the Bear prowls,
Looking for cubs under the snags:
"Where are you going, where did you go?
Or fell into a ditch?
Or crazy dogs
You've been torn apart in the dark?»
And all day she wanders through the forest,
But nowhere does he find bears.
Only black owls from the thicket
They goggle at her.
Here the hare came out
And she told the Bear:
"It's a shame to the old roar -
You are not a hare, a Bear.
You go, clubfoot,
Scratch the crocodile,
Tear it apart,
Rip the sun out of your mouth.
And when it comes again
Will shine in the sky,
Your kids are furry,
Fat-headed cubs,
They will run to the house themselves:
"Hello, granddad, we are here!»
And got up
He growled
And to the Big River
And in the Big River
And in his teeth
No fire burns,-
The sun is red,
Stolen sun.
The Bear came quietly,
Pushed him lightly:
"I'm telling you, the villain,
Spit out the sun soon!
And not that, look, catch,
I'll break it in half,-
Will you, ignorant, know
Our sun to steal!
Look a robber breed:
The sun gripped from the sky
And with a stuffed belly
Fell under a bush
Yes, and grunts sleepily,
Like a well-fed sow.
The whole light disappears,
And he has no grief!»
But the shameless laughs
So, that the tree is shaking:
“If only I want,
And I'll swallow the moon!»
I couldn't stand it
And on the evil enemy
He crumpled it
And broke it:
"Serve here
Our sun!»
Scared Crocodile,
Screamed, voiced,
And from the mouth
Of toothy
The sun fell out,
Rolled into the sky!
Ran through the bushes,
On birch leaves.
Hello, golden sun!
Hello, sky is blue!
The birds began to chirp,
Fly for the bugs.
They became bunnies
On the lawn
Tumbling and jumping.
And look: cubs,
Like funny kittens,
Straight to the furry grandfather,
Fat fifths, fleeing:
"Hello, granddad, we are here!»
Happy bunnies and squirrels,
Happy boys and girls,
Hug and kiss clubfoot:
"Well, thank you, granddad, for the sun!»