these things the letter made a very good impression in the soul assessor Shabashkin. He saw, First of all, Dubrovsky that knows little sense in affairs, Secondly, that a man so hot and imprudent it would be easy to put in the most unfavorable position. Andrew G., Having considered the request coolly assessor, I saw the need to respond more thoroughly. He wrote a rather businesslike paper, but later proved to be insufficient time.
The case began to pull. Self-righteous Andrew Gavrilovic little worried about him, I had no hunting, nor the ability to pour himself some money, and though he, happened, Troon is always the first on the sales conscience ink tribe, but the thought became a victim of a sneak not occurred to him. For his part Troyekurov as little cared about winning them start a business. Šabaškin care hlopotal, acting on its behalf, straschaya and bribing judges and interpreting at random, and indeed all kinds of decrees.
Howbeit, 18… of the year, February 9 of the day, Dubrovsky received an invitation by a policeman to report to the police ** Zemsky judge for vyslushaniya solutions thereof in the case of the disputed estate between them, lieutenant Dubrovsky, and the general-in-chief Troyekurov, and to subscribe to their pleasure or displeasure. On the same day Dubrovsky went to town; on the road overtook him Troyekurov. They proudly looked at each other, and Dubrovsky noticed a malicious smile on the face of his opponent.
Chapter II
Arriving in the city, Andrei Gavrilovich stopped at a well-known merchant, I spent the night with him, and the next morning was in the presence of the district court. Nobody paid attention to him. Behind him came and Kiril Petrovich. Clerk stood up and laid the feathers on the ear. The members greeted him with expressions of profound servility, He pulled his chair out of respect for his rank, letam and dorodnosti; he sat down with the door open. Andrei Gavrilovich stood leaning against the wall. Came a deep silence, and the Secretary clear voice began to read the court decision. We put it quite, believing, that everyone will be pleased to see one of the ways, with which we in Russia can lose their possessions, ownership of whom we have an indisputable right.
18... On October 27 of the day ** County Court heard the case of improper possession Guard lieutenant Andrei Gavrilov son of Dubrovsky estate, belonging to the commander in chief Kiril Petrov son Troyekurov, consisting ** province in the hamlet Kistenevka, the males ** showers, Yes land with meadows and land ** tithes. Of whose business is seen: the appointed general-in-chief Troyekurov past ... On June 18, 9 Day went to this Court with a petition in, that the deceased his father, Collegiate Assessor and Knight Petr Efimov son Troyekurov 17 year on August ... 14 of the day, who served at that time in ** province administration provincial secretary, I bought from the nobility at the clerk Fadei Egorova son Spitsyna estate, consisting ** Districts pomyanutom Seltz Kystenevke (is a village then on ** Audit settlement called Kistenevka), all significant on the 4th revision of the males ** shower with all their peasant property, homestead, Tillage with nepashennoyu earth, woods, sennymi meadows, Fishing on the river, called Kistenevka, and all belonging to that meter the estate grounds and manor wooden house, and short everything without a trace, that he was following his father, from the nobility of the constable's son Yegor Terentyev Spitsyna have inherited, and it was in the possession of, not leaving any of the people edinyya soul, and from the land of single quadrangular, by tsenoyu 2500 p., on that bill of sale on the same day ** ward of the court and the massacre committed, and his father at the same time August 26 th day ** Zemsky court was introduced over and massacre of his refusal. - And finally ... 17 september 6th day his father will of God died, and yet he, General-in-chief petitioner Troyekurov, 17 ..., almost from childhood he was in military service and was mostly in the campaigns for the borders, why he did not have information about how the death of his father, equal and the remaining after his estate. But now for the exit completely from one service to retire and return to his father's name, consisting ** and ** provinces **, ** and ** counties, in different villages, just before 3000 shower, finds, that among those discribed estates ** showers (of which at present ** revision listed in the hamlet just ** shower) with the land and all land owned without any fortifications discribed Guard lieutenant Andrei Dubrovsky, why, presenting at the petition of the hold true bill of sale, given to his father by the seller Spitsyn, asks, selecting a name from the aforementioned improper possession Dubrovsky, pay for supplies to complete his, Troekurova, disposal. And for the unjust appropriation thereof, with of which he used to receive the income, perpetrated by an appropriate add-inquiry, put him Dubrovsky, following the laws of the recovery and its add-on, Troekurova, to satisfy.
At the same uchynenyy ** Zemsky court according to this petition Research opened: to remember that the current owner of the disputed estate Guard Lieutenant Dubrovsky made on-site assessor noble explanation, that now they vladeemoe estate, consisting in a designated hamlet Kistenevka, ** shower with the earth and the land, It fell to him by inheritance after the death of his father, Artillery Lieutenant Gabriel Evgrafova son Dubrovsky, and he has come down on the purchase of the father of this petitioner, before the former provincial secretary, and then collegiate assessor Troekurova, by proxy, given by him in the year on August 17 ... 30 of the day, witnessed in ** county court, Titular Councilor Sobolev Grigory Vasilyev son, of which must be from his estate to his father these things deed, because it says in thereof, what he, Troyekurov, all inherited him on the bill of sale from the estate clerk Spitsyna, ** shower with earth, He sold his father, Dubrovsky, and following the money under the contract, 3200 rubles, the full monty with his father without a refund was requested and authorized thereof Sobolev give his father ukaznoy fortress. Meanwhile, his father in the same power of attorney on the occasion of the patches the entire amount to own the purchased his estate and to dispose thereof, pending the fulfillment of the fortress, as the owner of the present, and he, seller Troyekurov, continue and no one in the estate no longer stand up. But exactly when and how the government offices such deed of attorney given to his father Sobolev, - his, Andrey Dubrovsky, unknown, because at that time he was in perfect infancy, and after the death of his father such a fortress could not find, and believes, not burned there with the other papers and it was during the former 17 ... in the house of fire, as it was known, and the inhabitants of the village. What add-estate from the date of issuance or sale Troyekurov Sobolev attorney, that is, 17 years ..., and on his father's death, with 17 .... years and still, they, Dubrovsky, undoubtedly possessed, It is evidenced in the roundabout residents, that, Total 52 man, Under oath in Poll showed, Oh really, as they can remember, the aforesaid contentious estate began to possess the aforementioned yy. Dubrovsky back to this years 70 without from anyone dispute, but what is the act or fortress, they do not know. - Said the former case according to this pokupchik this estate, former provincial secretary Peter Troyekurov, whether owned by this name, they did not remember. The house is yy. Dubrovskikh years ago to this 30 at what had happened in their village during the night while the fire burned, and people from outside allowed, that income signified a controversial name may bring, assuming from that time on the complexity, annually no less than before 2000 v.
On the contrary this is the general-in-chief Kiril Petrov son Troyekurov 3rd of January, this year went to this Court with a petition, that although the aforementioned Guard lieutenant Andrei Dubrovsky and presented during the investigation to the case perpetrated these things issued late by his father Gavril Dubrovsky Titular Councilor Sobolev warrant for pre-sold his possessions, thereof, but not only a genuine bill of sale, but even to commit ever thereof, no clear evidence of the power of the General Regulations 19 head and decree 1752 On November 29 date not submitted. Consequently, most power of attorney now, for the death of the giver thereof, his father, by decree 1818 Maia day of the year ..., completely destroyed. - And beyond this - told to give the disputed estates in possession - the fortress of fortresses, and nekrepostnye Tracing.
On what exactly is, belonging to his father, already presented by him as proof of land act, on which and should, Based on the aforesaid statutes, improper possession of the aforementioned selecting Dubrovsky, give him by right of inheritance. And notwithstanding that landlords, being in possession of the estate does not belong to them, and without strengthening, and the use thereof, with the wrong and they do not belong to income, then by calculating, as such will be due on the strength ... to recover from the landowner Dubrovsky and his, Troekurova, onymi meet. - In consideration of the case and what are perpetrated from thereof, and from the statements of laws ** County Court determined:
As can be seen from this case, it-in-chief, General Kiril Petrov son Troyekurov on the above disputed property, now in the possession of the lieutenant in the Guards Andrei Gavrilov son of Dubrovsky, consisting in the hamlet Kistenevka, by the current audit ... all the males ** shower, with the earth and the land, introduced a genuine bill of sale for the sale thereof, his late father, provincial Secretary, which was later collegiate assessor, 17 ... it was from the nobility clerk Fadeev Spitsyn, and that this excess of this Bidder, Troyekurov, from both perpetrated on the bill of sale the inscription can be seen, I was in the same year ** Zemsky Court entered into possession, that name already and he denied, and although on the other hand this from the Guard lieutenant Andrei Dubrovsky and presented a power of attorney, given the dead bidder Mr. Troyekurov Titular Councilor Sobolev to commit the deed in the name of his father, Dubrovsky, but such transactions are not only state serfs immovable estate, but even temporarily hold by decree .... prohibited, to the Well and the most power of attorney death givers thereof completely destroyed. But that beyond this was indeed accomplished by the power of attorney thereof, and where on the above controversial property bill of sale, by Dubrovsky no clear evidence to the case since the start of production, that is, 18 years ..., and is not represented on this time. And because this Court and believes: oznachennoe mansion, ** shower, with the earth and the land, in which position will now Toe, approve of the deed submitted to the signified for the General-in-Chief Troekurova; on the distance from the disposal of add-Guard Lieutenant Dubrovsky and the proper entering into possession of it, r. Troekurova, and the refusal of it, how to come down to him by inheritance, prescribe ** zemskomu court. And even beyond this general-in-chief Troyekurov and he asks to recover from the Guard Lieutenant Dubrovsky an unjust possession inherited his estate benefiting from the income thereof,. But what signified estate, as indicated by the old-timers people, had yy. Dubrovskikh several years in undisputed possession, and from the case this is not visible, to the part g. Troekurova had any so far wrong per se petition for possession thereof estate Dubrovsky, to that commanded by ulozheniju, if anyone's land or homestead sow occlude, and that abuse misappropriation will Biti brow, and about syschetsya dopryamo, then right to give land and fifth seeded bread, and gorodboyu, and structure, and therefore the general-in-chief Troyekurov in the expression on Lieutenant Guards Dubrovsky lawsuit denied, For it belongs to him back in his possession, not izemlya thereof from nothing. And that when you enter for it can be everything without a trace, Provide between general-in-chief Troyekurov, Buda he has of itself its claim any evidence of a clear and legitimate, may request where should be particularly. What is the solution napred declare as plaintiff, equal and defendant, lawfully, appeal, and whom to call to this court for vyslushaniya this decision and subscription of pleasure or displeasure through police.
What are the decision signed by all participants of the court.
Secretary umolknul, assessor stood up and with a low bow turned to Troyekurov, inviting him to sign the proposed paper, and triumphant Troyekurov, taking away the pen, signed under the decision of the court committed the pleasure.
The queue was for Dubrovsky. The secretary gave him the paper. But Dubrovsky became motionless, potupya head.
The secretary repeated his invitation to him to sign his full and complete pleasure or displeasure clear, if by any chance feel conscience, that it has his right, and where is going to be in the provision of the law time to ask for an appeal. Dubrovsky was silent ... Suddenly he raised his head, his eyes sparkled, topnul on foot, ottolknul Secretary with such force, that he fell, and, grabbing the inkwell, let it in the assessor. All were horrified. "How! not honor the church of God! away, xamovo plemja!" Then, obratyas for Kirill Petrovich: "Ever heard of the matter, Your Excellency, - he continued, - Psari introduce dogs into the church of God! dogs running around the church. I do uzho teach a lesson ... "The guards came running at the noise, and they could hardly have mastered. He was taken out and sat in the sleigh. Troyekurov followed him, followed by all the court. Sudden madness Dubrovsky strong effect on his imagination and poisoned his triumph.
Judges, hoping for his appreciation, not worthy to receive a single word from him affable. He was on the same day went to Pokrovskoe. Dubrovskii between lying in bed; district doctor, fortunately not a perfect ignoramus, had put his blood, fasten the leech and blister flies. By the evening it became easier, the patient came into memory. The next day took him to Kistenevka, almost have it does not belong.
Chapter III
Some time passed, and the health of the poor Dubrovsky was still bad. true, fits of madness is not renewed, but his strength is markedly weakened. He forgot his former occupations, rarely left his room and thought for days together. Egorovna, good old, once looked after his son, Now I make and nurse to. She looked after him, as a child, I reminded him of the time eating and sleeping, feeding him, I put down. Andrei Gavrilovich obeyed her quietly and besides it does not have relations with anyone. He was not able to think about their own affairs, business disposal, Egorovna and saw the need to notify all the young Dubrovsky, who served in one of the Guards regiments of infantry and located at that time in St. Petersburg. so, tearing a sheet of the expenditure book, she dictated cook Khariton, single Kistenevka literacy, letter, that on the same day and sent to the city to the post office.
But it's time to introduce the reader to the real hero of our story.
Vladimir Dubrovsky was brought up in the Cadet Corps and was released cornet in the Guard *; father did not spare anything decent for its content, and the young man got out of the house more, than was expected. It is wasteful and ambitious, he allowed himself the luxury whim, He is playing cards and entered into debt, not worrying about the future and anticipating themselves sooner or later, a rich bride, dream poor youth.
Once in the evening, when several officers were sitting with him, lounging on sofas and smoking from his amber, Grisha, his valet, I handed him a letter, whose inscription and seal immediately struck by the young man. He quickly opened it and read as follows:
"You are our Sovereign, Vladimir A., - I, Your old nurse, I dare you to report papa's health. He is very bad, sometimes speaks, and all day sitting as a child stupid, and in the abdomen and death in God's hands. Come thou to us, falcon my clear, we will send you and the horses in the Sand. heard, district court for us is going to give us a Kiril Petrovitch began Troyekurov, because we-say theirs, and we from time immemorial your, and after birth of the unheard. You could, living in St. Petersburg, report that the tsar, and he would not have given us offense. I remain your faithful servant, nurse
Orin Ehorovna Buzыreva.
I send my maternal blessing to Grisha, whether it is good for you? We rains here uzho other week and the shepherd died about Rodia Mikolino day * ".
Vladimir Dubrovsky several times in succession read these rather stupid row with an unusual excitement. He lost his mother from an early age and, almost without knowing his father, He was brought to St. Petersburg in the eighth year of his age; with all that he novelistic was attached to him, and especially loved family life, The less time to enjoy its quiet joys.
The thought of losing his father painfully tormented his heart, and the position of the poor patient, which he guessed from the letter of his nurse, terrified him. He imagined his father, abandoned in a remote village, at the hands of a silly old women and servants, threatened by some calamity and dying in agony without the help of physical and mental. Vladimir reproached himself with criminal neglect. For a long time he did not receive letters from his father, and did not think about it to inquire, putting it on the road or economic worries.
He decided to go to him and even to resign, If a painful condition of his father would require his presence. Comrades, Noticing his concern, gone. Vladimir, left alone, written request for leave, He lit his pipe, and sank into deep thought.
The same day he began to bother about vacation and three days later was already on the high road.
Vladimir Andreyevich approached to the station, which I should was to displace Kistenevka. His heart was full of sad forebodings, he was afraid of no longer found his father alive, he imagined the sad life, waiting for him in the village, back country, bezlyudye, poverty and efforts on business, in whom he did not know any good. Having arrived at the station, he went to the superintendent and asked of free horses. The superintendent asked, where one had to go to him, and announced, that horse, sent from Kistenevka, We are expecting it already the fourth day. Soon I came to Vladimir Andreyevich old coachman Anton, once vodivshy his stables and looked for his little horse. Anton shed tears, seeing him, He bowed to the zemi, told him, that his old master was still alive, and ran to harness the horses. Vladimir Andreyevich refused breakfast and was in a hurry to go. Anton drove him back roads, and they struck up a conversation between.
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