Coln (imitation Occèanu)

(Fingal sent Toscar erected on the banks of the source Kroon victory monument, won by them once in this place. Meanwhile, he worked hard sim, Croesus, sosedstvenny sovereign, I invited him to a feast; Toscar fell in love with the daughter of his Coln; unexpected incident opened their mutual feelings and blessed Toscar).

Source quick Kalomony,
Running to the distant shores,
I zryu, Your vzmuschenny wave
Turbid stream over rocks
At night stars shine sparkle
through dormant, deserted forest,
Noise and the root drenches
Woven into a dark blood woody.
Your mossy Breg loved Coln,
When the sky was pouring shadow:
you mature, when, in love involuntarily,
Here's another Coln surrendered.

In the halls of the king of Selma able
I toscar young broadcast:
“Come Darkness t forests dremuchyh,
Where Crohn rolls black shaft,
Noisy cooled by aspen. —
There is a number of graves:
There's a true, Brave warriors
Shelves enemies I wasted.
And very, many mighty fallen:
Their coffins black Vrana strezhet.
Come - and there, where they are gone,
Stir up the Victory Monument!”
he rivers, and in a way unknown, tour across

Let C bards Toscar,
It is in the darkness of the night sad,
In the evening hlad, in the midday heat. —
Lucifer red lead
Zlata morning skies,
And now Toscar fit
By places, where dark woods
Runs gray source Crowns
And lies in the valleys of sleep. —
Bards sang the national anthem saint;
Toscar chip siliceous mountains
Vehemently powerful arm
Carries out of the abyss waves srebristyh,
And with the noise at high Breg
In the thick grass and wild cast;
It hung black armor,
Sword covered in blood ancestors,
And round shield, and a feathered hat,
And he pointed to the stone it:

“augur, the son of a noisy stream,
About brave later times!
Yes, the dreaded hour, how deep the night
In the mists lie on Forests,
sojourner, road weary,
And sat down under a reliable shelter,
Vospomnit forever distant
In the light of dreams sweet dreams!
With the dawn of the morning star alyya,
Sunshine awakened,
He will see the gloomy tomb ...
And menacing look amazed,
QUESTION son of the lands:
“Who erected a monument to the haughty
and elder, I bent over the years,
saith: “Toscar our unforgettable,
Hero dashed away the time!”

Heaven abbr eternal inhabitant,
Dawn went out in heaven;
Moon in the air abode
He rushes to the dark clouds;
Already on the hill the night - Beach Krona
With slept the surrounding grove:
Master strong Kalomony,
strange one, Croesus
Morvenskogo called hero
In housing Coln young
Taste the rest of pleasantness
And drink from the circular bowl.


All sat down near the ashes;
Fun bards sang the song.
And in the foam cup gold
Cool rushing in succession. —
Sad only newcomer Laura,
Chapter bowed to the chest:
Thoughtfully he passionate eyes
He aimed at the gentle Kolna -
And hard chest sigh,
In the eyes of the fun went out shine,
The fire coursing through the members,
That negoyu languishing spirit;
melancholy, secretly feeling
Excitement strong blood
On charms are young looking,
He drank a full cup of love.

But that's really the oak ceases to smoke,
And the shadow becomes darker,
Blackens the sky dim,
And reigns in the halls of the dream.


thins night - dawn Bagryana
Sunshine OIE;
Before her Zlata firmament rouge:
Toscar left sleeping couch;
swift Kalomony
It goes on wet shores,
Hurry to see the valley of Crowns
And listens to the lapping waves.
And suddenly, out of the shadow of a dark grove,
As the midnight hour spring
From the cloud month gold,
A young warrior comes out. —
sharp sword on his thigh shines,
Spear right hand voružaet:
Nadvinut at the head of the village,
And mill coated flexible shield:
Dawn silvered armor
Through the morning in pairs Valley.

“About a young warrior! - Rock Toscar, —
What do you fight an enemy?
Can it be true, and in this country the war
Bagram streams struisty wave?
But all is quiet - quiet
Neighborhood homes gentle Coln”.
“Quiet jungle Kalomony,
Blossoms homeland golden edge;
But there does not dwell Coln,
And now on the path of the deaf
Desert with a nice flowing,
Captivated by the beauty of the heart”.
“With rivers you give me, Mlada warrior?
Where I will hide Thief?
Give me your shield!” - And Toskar
rejects shield, blazing vengeance.
But suddenly vanished heroism heat;
What he sees with sweet admiration?
Unable passion vozdohnut,
Suddenly blazing enthusiasm the new ...
Lily bared breast,
Under the formidable dyshuscha cover ...
- "Are you?... "- I cried the hero,
And quivering hand trembling
From the head removes a shiny helmet -
And Coln sees before him.

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