
Several young people, mostly military, lost his estate Pole Yasunskomu, who was holding a small pot to pass the time and it is important cheated, undercutting card. Tuzı, troika, broken kings, bent jacks fell fan, and a cloud of chalk erase mingled with the smoke of Turkish tobacco.
- Can it be two o'clock? Oh my God, we sat up, - said Victor N young to his comrades. - Do not leave time to play?
All throw the cards, rose from the table, any, dokurivaya tube, I began to consider his or someone else's gain; argued, agreed and departed.
- Would you like to have dinner together, - said Victor windy Velverov, - I'll introduce you to a very cute little girl, you'll thank me.
Both sat on the droshky, and flew over the dead streets of St. Petersburg.

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