My family tree

Laughing cruelly over fellow,
Scribblers Russian mob
I'm an aristocrat.
Look, perhaps, What nonsense!
Not an officer I, not assessor,
I'm not a gentleman on the cross,
not academician, not a professor;
I just Russian tradesman.

I understand the vicissitudes of the times,
not prekoslovlyu, right, to her:
In our new Birthday significance,
And the newer, this significantly.
Decrepit birth chip
(And unfortunately no one),
Boyars of old I am a descendant;
I, brothers, small tradesman.

I not sold my grandfather pancakes,
Not Wuxi royal boots,
He sang with the court sextons,
The princes did not jump out of the Ukrainians,
And he was not a fugitive soldier
Austrian powdered squads;
So if I be an aristocrat?
I, Heavy, philistine.

My ancestor Racha muscles abusive
Holy Nevsky served;
His offspring anger crowned,
Ivan IV spared.
Pushkin were carried out with the kings;
Among them was famous not one,
When the craving with the Poles
Nizhny Novgorod wimp.

Smiriv kramolu and deceit,
And the fury of abusive bad weather,
When the Romanovs to the throne
He called in the charter of its people,
We have to put a hand thereof,,
We bestowed sufferer son.
Sometimes we cherish;
Sometimes ... but - I wimp.

Stubborn spirit we all podgadil:
In his relatives invincible,
With Peter, my ancestor did not get along
And there was for him hanged.
His example to us whether science:
Dislikes disputes lord.
Happy Prince Jacob Dolgoruky,
Smart humble tradesman.

My grandfather, when the rebellion rose
Amid Peterhof court,
As Munnich, He remained faithful to
Fall of the Third Peter.
Then came after the Orlov,
And my grandfather was a fortress, quarantine,
And our family subsided harsh,
And I was born a commoner.

Under stamp my seal
I kypu letters shoronyl
And I do not rub shoulders with the new nobility,
And blood calmed down a peg.
I am a scientist and a poet,
I just Pushkin, not Musin,
I'm not a rich man, no courtier,
I myself am a great: I wimp.

After written.

I decided Figlyarin, sitting at home,
That my black grandfather Hannibal
He was bought for a bottle of rum
And in the hands of the skipper was.

This skipper was the skipper of the glorious,
Whom our land dvignulas,
Who gave a powerful running sovereign
The helm of the ship of the native.

This skipper grandfather was available,
And similarly purchased arap
increased diligent, uncorrupted,
King foxglove, not a slave.

And he was the father of Hannibal,
Before whom among Chesmensky depths
Community ship vspыlala,
And for the first time fell Navarino.

Decided Figlyarin inspirational:
I Gentleman commoner.
Well it is in the family of his venerable?
is he?... he is a gentleman Meshchanskaya.

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Alexander Pushkin
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