Start I «Virgin" lyrics

I was not born a shrine to give thanks,
My voice is not weak shall ascend to the heavens;
But should I do now to prepare
By uslyshanyu Yoanninyh Wonderland.
She saved the French lilei.
In the battles of her girlish hand
Overseas struck villains.
Mighty resplendent beauty,
She was a hero yupkoyu.
I confess - evening times
Милее мне смиренная девица —
obedient, as a lamb Field;
Joanna was the soul of a lion,
Among the works and abusive bad weather
Is all glorious heroes
AND, that just marvelous, difficult,
Color virgin kept all year round.

Oh you, singer, This miraculous virgin,
The gray-haired singer, whose raucous tunes,
Discordant mind and stupid taste
In the old days, enraged gentle music,
Would you like, a sickly poet,
I honor his skrypitseyu,
I do not want. Give it, my dear,
Someone from the fashion Rhymer.

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