Outlines of the plan of Faust


“Tell, which spells
They have power over thee?”
- All good: all vocations
I'm ready as if from the mouth of the sky.
Quite a desire -
I, as the quick-witted slave,
The palm-legged clap,
Prisvistni, Call, and instantly
I manifest myself. What to do - I serve,
Married, kryahchu under the yoke of perpetual,
As a nurse poor, I go
For you - listen, I look.


- Here Cocytus, Now Acheron,
Here burning Phlegethon.
Doktor Faust, well bolder,
There, we will be more fun. —
- Where is a bridge? - What is the bridge here,
On here - sit by me on the tail.

- Who goes? - Soldier.
- What's this? - Parade.
- That the Chief Corporal,

- What's burning in the darkness?
What is boiling in the pot?

- Faust, Hahaha,
Look - ear,
Views - tsary.
About vari, boil!..


- Today, the ball of Satan -
On imyaniny we bells -
See how these two imp
Hard fried pig,
And the devil - how important it,
How dutifully won vыmetaet
Sawdust, sulfur, dust and bones.
- Tell me, l will soon visit?

- So the children of earthly exile?
What is the order and silence!
What a huge number of arches,
But where are the sinners cook?
Everything is quiet. - There, Gorazd given.
- Where are we now? - In the front hall.

- What is the trump card? - Worms. - I have to go.
- I beat. - Can not we wait a little?
- Give. - All around us beat.
- Hey, death! You're right cheated.
- Silent! you're stupid and molodenek.
I do not you catch me.
After all, we do not play out of the money,
And just used spend eternity!

- Who's there? - Health, gentlemen!
- Why granted here?
- I brought a guest. - Brother, creator!..
- Vaught dokt.or F.aust, our friend -
- Alive! - He's alive, that our long time ago -
Today l, Tomorrow l - still.
- It is thought two ways;
Custom demanded but
my permission,
But it's nothing vprochchem.
You know, I was always a friend
Ready to be of service ...
I am a lady ... - Croy! - I hit an ace ...
- Let, trump. - Well, let's go to…

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Alexander Pushkin
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