Cupid and Hymen

Today, good husband.
You have some fun new tale.
L used to know you, my friends,
Blind boy with a bandage?
blind?.. here? Have mercy, Feb!
Cupid really, friends, not blind:
But varmint came w hunting,
to, people to laugh and evil,
His madness led.
Madness is Eros:
But suddenly, I do not know why,
It bored him.
I undertook a new venture:
Bandage with lovely lifting eyes,
Goes rogue to Hymenaeus ...
And what is the Hymen?
He is the son Volcano silent,
Cold, decrepit and lazy,
Grumbles and dormant for a century,
And however good man,
Yes, he has a jealous temper.
Jealousy sad god
Calmly he could not take a nap;
All trotted little brother,
Him secretly peeping
And he kept watch sopostata
With its tiresome lantern.
That's my boy approaches him
And we are treacherous winds:
“cheer up, Hymen!
Well, let's make peace, any smarter!
Forget, my dear friend,
Discord ridiculous and useless!
Yes, just for good, look!
Take Well bandage in memory, cute,
And to me your flashlight Give!”
And what? He believed God dull.
Cupid jumped for joy,
And in the eyes of all the forces he
Refresh brother tightened.
Hymen boring patrols
Since then we stopped at night;
His envious eyes
Now, is not afraid of beauty;
he is calm, but treacherous brother,
Jokingly honored over and above the,
War is thankless
With its ally blind.
A dream at the mortals swoops,
Cupid in the silent night
lover Lantern presents
And I myself fortunate escorts
To his wife asleep in the house;
Himself from the careless hymen
He guards the secret door ...
Understand me, my friend Elena,
And wise story believe!

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Alexander Pushkin
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