
Ran into the house the children,
In a hurry name father:
“Daddy! Daddy! our network
They dragged the dead man.”
“ferment, ferment, imps, —
Growled at them father: —
Oh, Oh, these robyata!
Will you uzho dead!

court naedet, answer-ka;
With him, I will not understand vvek;
Nothing to do; hostess,
Give caftan; popletus too ...
Where dead?” «Wong, Daddy, e-Now!»
Indeed, by the river,
Where they spread a wet seine,
The dead can be seen in the sand.

Ugly corpse terrible
Blue in the face and all swollen.
Is unfortunate miserable
Destroyed their sinful spirit,
Angler to take the waves,
Ali Brewfest fellow,
Al thieves robbed
slow-witted merchant?

Peasant cares?
Looking around, he hastens;
He sunk the body
In the water for foot dragging,
And from the shore steep
He pushed his paddle,
And the dead man floated down again
The grave and the cross.

Long dead among the waves
sailed swinging, lifelike;
After seeing his eyes,
Our man went home.
“You, puppies! me Go!
You will be on Kalachev,
Yes, see Well, What boltayte,
And not battered”.

Night weather rustled,
Worried river,
Would Lucia brim
In the smoky hut guy,
Kids are sleeping, hostess slumber,
Husband is in the loft,
The storm howls; Suddenly he hears:
Someone out there knocking on the window.

"Who's there?"-" Hey,, TIBET, master!» —
“Well, what there is trouble?
What you wander at night, Cain?
The devil has brought you here;
Where to mess me with you?
Houses crowded and dark.”
And lazy hand
It raises the window.

From behind the clouds the moon rolls -
What? naked in front of him:
With the water flowing beard,
Eyes open and motionless,
Everything in it is terrible numb,
Dropped his hands down,
And raspuhnuvshee body
Crayfish Black digging.

And the man slammed the window:
Bare hear guest,
And measuring: "May you burst!»
He whispered shivering.
Scary thought it mingled,
He shook night long,
And until the morning still knocking
Under the window, and at the gates.

There are people in terrible rumor:
They say, that every year
Since then, the wretched man
On the day of the appointed guest waiting;
Already in the morning the weather is angry,
At night, the storm is coming,
And drowned knocks
Under the window, and at the gates.

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Alexander Pushkin
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