So elegiac lira
you traded, our moralist,
On blagočinnuû satire?
Praise poet - separately peace!
The whistle is useful to him. —
I was very miserable your Arist:
How zealously he prayed
And unfortunately I played!
Here young people: I got excited,
I blew the whole and so lost!
Damon thy people terrible.
Forget it dangerous house,
where however, confessed to,
a friend of mine, you have behaved well:
You do not interfere with anyone there,
Arista gently consoled,
He gave tips
And neither the ruble is not lost.
love: that's what the poets!
And then, teaching crazy light,
Sometimes the sin and the preacher.
Listen, Persiev successor,
my story:
Someone my neighbor,
In the torture of a noble thirst,
Castalian drank some water glass,
on players, like you, once
Wicked satire written
And other eagerly read.
He answered his friend
I took the cards, silently shuffled,
He gave remove, and moral writer
All night long, Alas! punt.
Do you know this joker?
But the meeting with him was I used the holiday:
I'm with him ready to stay up all night
And until noonday radiance
Read moral message
And lose his writing.