I recently in freedom watch
Charter rider read
And even clearly understood
His skilful arguments;
I recognized the sharp features
Nepodrazhaemogo slogan;
But turned over the sheets
And - I admit - blame God.
I thought: windy singer,
Do not make yourself an idol,
finally gone mad
Your prokazlivaya pound,
AND, Refrigerate heart forever,
You, it is seen, He became in favor of peace
reasonable person!
O mountains, I uttered through tears,
Who gave D<авыдов>at the council
Leave laurel, leave roses?
How could stoop to prose
Muzoyu crowned poet,
Scorning, and the glory of previous years,
I B<урц>a marketing soul threats!
Suddenly disheveled shadow
I have a pre vyzhu directly,
Piana, in most death day,
pillar whiskers, squeals mountain,
Zhestokoy mentyk behind
And Shako miracle askew.