Another high, important songs…

Another high, important songs
Hearken, of Feb, and smolknuvshuyu lyre
In the ruined sanctuary your
I Poveshu, yes it publishes,
When he shakes the pillars of the storm,
The sad sound! Even a single hymn -
Hear me, Penates, - you sing
votive anthem. counselors Zeus,
L live you in the heavenly depths,
Ile, Most Highs deity, around
The reason you, According to the sages,
And the following solemn for you
Great Zeus and his wife beloglavoy
And wise goddess, Maid force,
Athens Pallas, - Thank you.
take anthem, arcana!
Though long exile has been removed
From your victims and quiet libations,
But you love not cooled? I, gods,
And in the long hours of desolate sadness
Painfully begged for a rest
Your holy ashes
My soul - there is peace.

So, I have loved you for a long time! you zovu
In witness, with what holy waves see
I left the human race,
In order to guard your fire secluded,
Talking to himself. Yes,
Hours inexpressible pleasure!
They give me a heart to know the depth of?,
The power and his weakness,
They love me, leleyaty study
not death, mysterious feeling,
And we are the first science teaching -
Honor himself. Oh no, for ever
Not prestaval pray devoutly
You, household deity.

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